These two hybrid-media art pieces were built in 2015 and 2018.
Above: “Live Cinema!” The Cowgirl, HD, 3:18 minutes, 2018 Hybrid Media Art Piece, 50”x 56”: Media/Aluminum Dibond/Raspberry Pi 2 mini-computers/LCD screens/Wood Frame/Audio Output, AC power
In The Cowgirl, the strength of the relationship between horse and human Maidoff’s childhood with landscapes from her past with Super-8 footage. Her beloved horse from her youth is remembered, projected on a living white horse in Topanga. Maidoff discloses how her childhood horse saved her life and helped her overcome the trauma of her father’s sudden disappearance.
Layered media was created by projecting images and performing with Tymer (the white horse) in Topanga Canyon. The piece is then edited together into three-channels as a media triptych with intertitles. An original painting by Maidoff was printed onto aluminum Dibond.
Below: “Live Cinema!” The Sleepwalker, HD, 10 minutes, 2015 Hybrid Media Art Piece, 58” x 18”: Media/Raspberry Pi mini-computers/LCD screens/Wood Frame/Audio Output, AC power
In The Sleepwalker, Maidoff’s eyes are closed although it is broad daylight and her bare feet trace landscapes connected across three channels of cinema. She strikes into invisible walls, then opens one illusory door after the next, as in life and sometimes in the dreamworld obstacles are created out of thin air to keep us from going where we want to go. Sometimes the sleepwalker erects the wall herself as when a young bull in pasture stops short when he recognizes the mimetic barrier.
Both pieces were built with technology designed by Thomas Hollier and frames constructed by Hugo Garcia.